Thursday, January 15, 2015

Mile High Perfect Biscuits

One thing Gary has been wanting to try out is homemade biscuits. But god knows where to find a good recipe when your giraffe-grandma never passed down her family recipe. So we decided to ask around and do a bit of online research and chose a recipe found on Pinterest entitled "Mile High Perfect Biscuits." Gary had been interested in trying a vegan recipe, but since we didn't have most of the ingredients needed, we just went with a regular one, but we will be replacing buttermilk with Almond Milk. Let's see how this goes!

Gary got to work right away and starting mixing all the dry ingredients together. He then followed the directions and made a "well" and added the wet ingredients. Let's just take a moment here to say we're not 100% sure what the purpose of a well is, but we did it anyway.

Last ingredient is the butter, cut into cubes. Gary agrees that this was the funnest part! Then came time to smoosh everything down before cutting out the biscuits. It took us a while to find something to cut out the biscuits with because we actually don't own a round cookie cutter, but we found a container cover that was just right. :)

When we were all done cutting them out and having placed them on a baking sheet, we felt confident that they would turn out quite well. Fingers crossed, we put them in the oven and waited patiently!

Here is the final result:

Note: We've already eaten 3 of them, which is why there's empty space on the baking sheet.

Well, they ended up being a lot bigger than I expected so we had to bake them a good 15 minutes or so longer than the recipe suggested, but they were mouth-watering-ly delicious!! We ate three right away and I'm drooling at the sight of them. Gary would like me to inform you all that they aren't as tasty on the following days, but good nevertheless.

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